Sunday, November 1, 2015

Christianity images: the life of Jesus according to Giotto

Compilation of scenes from the life of Jesus painted by Giotto in the early fourteenth century, one of the most beautiful representations of the backbone of the Christian tradition.

The Archangel Gabriel announces to Mary that she will have Jesus as son.

Jesus born in a stable in Bethlehem, surrounded by Mary, Joseph, shepherds that slept in the open and an ox and a mule. The angels announce the event.

Some Eastern scholars locate Jesus following a star and offer their gifts.

Joseph and Mary flee to Egypt with Jesus.

King Herod, frightened by the prophecy of the birth of a new king of the Jews, gives orders for the killing of children less than two years old to eliminate it.

Jesus is presented in the Temple.

Towards twelve, Jesus goes to the synagogue to discuss with experts.

Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist, after hearing the preaching of the latter.

Miracle of Jesus at the wedding at Cana, turning water into wine.

Jesus resurrects Lazarus, brother of Martha and Mary.

Jesus enters Jerusalem hailed by his followers.

Jesus gets angry when he sees the merchants and money changers in the Temple and debunks their stalls.

Jesus last supper with his disciples.

Jesus washes the feet of his disciples.

Judas kisses Jesus in order that he can be captured.

Jesus is brought before Caiaphas, who torns his dress.

Jesus is beaten by Roman soldiers.

Jesus carries the cross to the place where he will be crucified.

Jesus dies on the cross.

Jesus is buried amid the wailing of the women accompanying him.

Jesus resurrects and does not let Mary Magdalene to touch him.

Ascension of Jesus into heaven.

Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to his disciples when they gather (Pentecost).

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